Wine Cellars: Preserving Your Wine

Wine dates as back as 4000 BC and The United States - by far the largest customer of wine at a yearly rate of 4.3 billion bottles of wine consumption per year. 


Ernest Hemingway once said, "Wine is one of the most civilized things in the world and one of the most natural things of the world that has been brought to the greatest perfection, and it offers a greater range for enjoyment and appreciation than, possibly, any other purely sensory thing.” 


Wines have a unique sense to them, and I have also developed a similar taste for my liking. Not just for the taste buds, wines also have some health benefits. Here are some of the science-proven benefits: 

  • Wine boosts the immunes system. 

  • It enhances longevity and develops healthier skin. 

  • It reduces heart-related risks. 

  • Depression, obesity, and Alzheimer’s are kept at bay. 

  • Other benefits are improvement in eyesight, bone health, and protection against the dental plague. 


A good wine alone won't cut you the slack, having a good wine cellar is equally important. Because: 

  • Wine is perishable. The quality can get inferior in time if the wine is exposed to heat, light, humidity, or even change in temperature. A wine cellar will not only preserve the taste and quality, but it can also enhance it.  

  • Sediments inside decide the quality of the wine, and vibrations can easily disturb or diminish them. Either by machinery or any movement, storing wine in a wine cellar will protect it from vibrations. 

  • It saves both money & space and helps in organizing the collection. 



The wine cellar was among the few things that I first installed while renovating my house. Since there are a plethora of options available in the market, I would suggest They provide a restricted collection, well suited to a specified use 



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