Exercise Bikes & Why You Need Them?


"Exercises have never been so easy" I know what you are thinking. But it's really is so.  


I used to think the same. Even before lockdown, when everything was the same for me. You can't blame I am a homebody.  


Forget about following a routine, I never even liked spending long hours outside. Hence, the lockdown provided us (people like me - lazy bums) the perfect opportunity to continue doing the same work. Sit and gain and gain and gain and before I realized, I was gaining 80 kilos - that's 177 lbs. My point is... 


Motivational posts or videos can only do so much if you lack the intent. That's when I decided to end this monotony. No, I didn't start watching those videos or saved any posts. Instead, I looked for mean machines that can help me to get rid of everything. My friends then suggested me to invest in a good exercise bike that will help me shed all the negativity. 


I was looking mainly for two things: 

  1. Display: That will show me my gains (keep me rooted to the seat), heart-rate monitoring, and other basic stuff like calories burnt and resistance level, etc. 


  1. Safety/Resistance: The machine is sturdy enough and should not wobble when I push my limits. Another thing is its resistance. It should support multiple intensity levels. 


A good exercise bike is not that easy to find. Especially if there are plenty of options and all looking similar in covering basic functionalities. After plenty of research, I found the one (actually 18). They are selected versatile bikes to suit your different yet specific needs. It's been a week and I've already shed around 3.5 - 4 kilos. 


Homebody or not, it's a 'money well spent' scenario in case of a good exercise bike. You can buy them here. 

Avoid following things and gaining some will make you see progress, sooner than later: 

  • No skipping hands (from handle) or routines. 
  • An increase in resistance will increase efficiency. 
  • Skip additional weights (dumbbells or bars). For maximum gains, the core should be perfectly stabilized. 


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